Friday, 10 February 2012

Week 5: Soziale Herausforderung in Deutschland.

Zuerst muss ich mich wieder für die Verspätung mit meiner Blog entschuldigen. Tut mir Leid!

Also, es gibt in Deutschland soziale Probleme, die wie die soziale Probleme in Australien sind. Das Hauptherausforderung, das ich bemerkt habe, ist Obdachlosigkeit. Ich habe viele Obdachloser gesehen, besonders bei den Bahnhöfen. 

I suppose homelessness is a factor of any nation, and I feel it is not a chronic problem in Germany, but from what I have seen it does seem to be a somewhat "noticeable" one. There are several homeless people that are always at the Stadtmitte station with their very limited possessions and their cups for passers-by to give some money. One can also often see people along Königstraße with nothing but a cup or a tatted old hat for donations. I am completely unaware of the German welfare system, but I do wonder as to how these people are helped and what options are available for them. 

Ein anderes Problem, das ich sagen möchte, ist die "Rauchenkultur" (nicht ein echtes Wort, ich weiß) in Deutschland. Ich bin der Meinung, dass Rauchen in Deutschland ein ziemlich großes soziales Problem ist. Man kann immer Werbungen für Rauchen sehen, und es gibt sogar Zigarettenautomaten auf den Straßen. 

It is not difficult to find a smoker on the street, and I am surprised at the amount of young people who smoke. I really believe that this is a social problem facing Germany; not just the problem of smoking itself but also the general attitude toward smoking. 

Das nachstehende Bild ist von einer typischen Werbung hier in Deutschland (I apologise that it's on it's side!).

So, das it alles für diese Woche. 

Bis bald!,



  1. I'd be really interested to read some legit statistics on German smoking because I feel like I see more smokers, but I don't know if it's reaaaallllyyy more or less than Australia, what do you reckon?

  2. Yeah that would be interesting actually- I feel like there's more smokers too, but as you say we can't know for sure. One of the main things I've noticed that leads me to think that is the amount of smokers just on the street- every third person seems to have a cigarette in mouth or hand.
